Social Roots


The arraigo social is a residence and work permit for those persons who have been living in Spain for a minimum of 3 years and who are in an irregular situation, have family ties in Spain and/or are socially integrated.

It is important to note that during this period of time they have not left the country and, if applicable, that absences from Spain during the 3-year period cannot exceed 120 days. 

Although the requirements for requesting this arraigo are general, they may vary according to the Autonomous Community where the application for Arraigo Social is presented.

Who can apply?

The social roots can be requested by any person who is not a citizen of the European Economic Area or Switzerland, or a relative of citizens of these countries, to whom the Union citizen regime is applicable.     

It is essential not to have been banned from entering Spain and not to be refused entry in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this sense, as well as not to have a criminal record in Spain and in the previous countries in which he/she has resided during the last 5 years.     

The company or the employer must be registered with the Social Security, as well as be up to date in the fulfillment of its tax and Social Security obligations. The registration with the Social Security and the labor contract will be effective once the residence and work authorization has been granted, due to social roots.

It is possible to present several contracts in the same occupation (for example, domestic employee) working at the same time for more than one employer. All contracts must have a minimum duration of one year and must represent a weekly working day of not less than 30 hours in global computation.

The "arraigo social" is a residence and work permit for those persons who have been living in Spain for at least 3 years and who are in an irregular situation, have family ties in Spain and/or are socially integrated.

It is important to note that during this period of time they have not left the country and, if applicable, that their absences from Spain during the 3-year period cannot exceed 120 days. 

Although the requirements for requesting this arraigo are general, they may vary according to the Autonomous Community where the application for Arraigo Social is presented.

It is also possible to work on one's own account (self-employed) or by setting up a company based in Spain.

In the case of not having an employment contract or business activity, if sufficient economic means are demonstrated for its maintenance in Spain, it is also possible to apply for residency due to Social Roots, but without the right to work.

To have family ties (spouse or registered domestic partner, ascendants or descendants in first degree and direct line) with other resident foreigners or with Spaniards, to demonstrate a link with the Spanish society or to present a report that certifies the social integration. This report is issued by the Autonomous Community (or the Town Hall if the Autonomous Community has authorized it), in whose territory the habitual residence is located and is registered. If the Autonomous Community in which you live has a second language, you must demonstrate that you understand and speak it. In the case of Catalonia, it is necessary to pass a 45-hour Catalan course.

The way to demonstrate the permanence in Spain during the 3 years required is by means of the census, as well as any municipal, autonomous or state documentation that justifies its presence in Spain. In addition, it can be demonstrated with bank movements, transfers made to the country of origin, invoices of mobile, light, rent etc....   

Once all the documentation is presented in the corresponding office, the process of the social roots takes between 3 to 4 months, if there are no requirements.

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