Agreement France and Spain Nationality



The agreement of dual nationality of France and Spain by which the citizens of either of the two countries will not have to give up theirnationality of originupon acquiring the nationality of the other country.

This law is in force from April 1, 2022.

Spain has the double nationality agreement with these other countries:

Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador, Philippines, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Uruguay , Venezuela


Those who renounced their nationality of origin before the entry into force of this agreement, can take advantage of the dual citizenship agreement and recover it, recording the fact that they have dual nationality on their birth certificate.

The requirements remain the same

This measure does not imply, however, thatthe requirements to obtain Spanish nationalityor French become easier for nationals of both countries of the agreement.

Remember that, to request theSpanish nationality(in this case as a French citizen),it is necessary to comply with the following:

AND,to obtain French nationality(being Spanish):

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